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標題: Slipknot-Psychosocial [打印本頁]

作者: 話說從前    時間: 2008-12-23 07:26 PM     標題: Slipknot-Psychosocial

I did my time, and I want out! 我已經花了時間,我要出去!
I saw my future...afraid 我看到我的未來...害怕
It doesn't cut, this soul is not so vibrant. 它沒有削減,這個靈魂並非如此充滿活力。
The reckoning, the sickening. 懲罰,令人作嘔。
Back at you, subversion. 背對你,顛覆。
Pseudo-sacred, sick perversion. 偽神聖,噁心的墮落。
Go drill your gases, go dig your graves! 去挖你的石油,去挖你的墳墓!
Then fill your mouth with all the money you will save. 然後用你所有存的錢填飽你的嘴巴。
Sinking in, getting smaller again. 下沉,變得越來越小。
I'm done! It has begun, I'm not the only one! 我完成了!它已經開始,我不是唯一的一個!

And the reign will kill us all. 然後統治者將殺死所有我們的人。
Throw ourselves against the wall. 像是把自己對牆丟棄。
But no one else can see. 但沒有其他人看得出來。
The preservation of the martyr in me. 烈士存在我心。

Oh, there are cracks, in the road we lay. 出現了裂縫,在我們奠定的道路上。
But will it ever fill? 但可能會填補嗎?
the secret have gone mad! 秘密已經瘋狂!
This is nothing new, 這不是什麼新玩意,
but would we kill it all? 但我們會殺死所有的它嗎?
The hate was all we had! 我們所有的是仇恨!
Who needs another mess? 誰需要另一個爛攤子?
we could start over. 我們可以重新開始。
Just look me in the eyes 只要看著我的眼睛
and say I'm wrong! 說我錯了!
Now there's only emptiness, 現在只有空虛,
But I'm missing something. 但我失去了某些東西。
I think we're done, 我認為我們就大功告成了,
I'm not the only one! 我不是唯一的一個!


THE LIMITS OF THE DEAD! * 4 死亡的極限!* 4

Fate! Cannot catch this lie,  命運!不能跟上這個謊言,
I tried to tell you first!  我試過馬上告訴你!
Your hurtful lies are giving out.  您充滿傷害的謊言已經造成。
Can't stop the killing, I can't help it.  不能制止殺戮,我無能為力。
If it's hunting season  如果這是獵殺季節
Is this what you want?  這是您想要的?
I'm not the only one! 我不是唯一的一個!

作者: akashic    時間: 2012-1-10 10:05 PM

機翻就算了 歌詞錯誤還一堆

[ 本帖最後由 akashic 於 2012-1-10 10:07 PM 編輯 ]

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